MSI Does It Again!

New announcement from Maryland Shall Issue ( This is why I urge every Maryland gun owner to join. They are the best in the state, maybe in the nation:

Big news. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has just ruled that Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License requirement is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. That decision was issued in a case brought by MSI, Atlantic Guns and several individuals all the way back in 2016. Finally, a decision on merits.

Under the federal rules, the decision goes into effect in 21 days with the issuance of the Court’s mandate. The State has 14 days to seek en banc review in the Fourth Circuit. If it does so, the mandate is stayed until such time as such a petition for rehearing is either denied or, if granted, after rehearing decision. And, course, the State may also seek review in the Supreme Court.  The Court’s published Opinion can be found HERE.  The Court of Appeals’ Order reversing the district court’s judgment can be found HERE.

We will provide further updates as appropriate.

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